SBBO announced that attorney Garth Gersten has been appointed secretary of the Insurance Committee of the Colorado Bar Association. The Insurance Committee was formed at its first Annual Meeting in February, 2020.

Mr. Gersten was instrumental in the formation of the committee: In 2019 he contacted the Colorado Bar Association about forming a committee on Insurance Law. Following a meeting organized by Mr. Gersten to assess interest in May 2019, there were two organizational meetings on August 12 and October 31, where by-laws for the Committee, drafted by Mr. Gersten with Terrence Ridley and Bradley Levin, were discussed. At the Annual Meeting, Mr. Levin was appointed Chair and Mr. Ridley Vice-Chair.

Garth Gersten Appointed Secretary of CBA’s Insurance Committee

The aim of the CBA’s Insurance Committee is the promotion and advancement of the insurance legal profession in Colorado.  The committee is open to any attorney who practices Insurance Law in Colorado.  The Insurance Committee strives to bring together attorneys who represent insurers and policyholders as well as those who are further engaged in matters involving Colorado Insurance Law. The Committee seeks to promote professionalism, education, camaraderie and the advancement of the insurance law.

The Insurance Committee’s Executive Committee includes:

Chair: Brad Levin, Levin & Sitcoff
Vice-Chair: Terence Ridley, Wheeler Trigg O’Donnell
Secretary: Garth Gersten, Shapiro Bieging Barber Otteson
At Large (Insurer) Keith Olivera, White & Steele
At Large (Policyholder) Heather Hackett, Levy Law


In addition to the Executive Committee, the Insurance Committee has three subcommittees: Meetings, Membership and Communication.

Mr. Gersten represents and advises policyholders in their disputes with insurers. He has consistently been selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© for his work in insurance law 2007-2020